T-C Family | Family Photography San Francisco Bay Area

Has 2021 been the year where you got to do the big things you put off in 2020? I feel like it’s been a mixed bag for many people, myself included. People somewhat returned to their collective lives and their big plans, while knowing there was still so much that didn’t feel normal yet and couldn’t yet happen. What was that for you?

I’m grateful that so many of the families I work with have prioritized family documentation in this strange year. Family sessions still feel a bit unusual as compared to how they were before the pandemic - there is less physical contact from me (which is so hard!) and I still wear a mask if I’m shooting indoors. But thankfully, families are still families and they’ve shown up for these sessions with all their love and silliness and openness to whatever unfolds in the moment. It’s been such a bright light for me!

I finally got to photograph this fun family after delaying more than a year. What was supposed to be a a maternity session in the spring of 2020, became a family session in the summer of 2021. That baby that was still on the inside when our first session was supposed to happen, was a walking 15 month old toddler with opinions and antics. The family also added a new puppy into the mix to keep things spicy. ;)


Every Mother Brand and Portrait Shoot | Brand Session in San Francisco


Baby Arya | Newborn Photography in San Francisco